(4) Here I Am! I Stand at the Door and Knock…

“Here I am! I stand at the Door and Knock…”
Parish Home Visitations


Definition: Parish home visitations are an evangelization tool. This toolkit will assist the parish in preparing visiting teams to visit the homes of parishioners.

Objective:  To proclaim Jesus Christ, reflection of the Father’s love, who wishes us to live in unity and harmony with one another; to encourage those with whom we come into contact to catch the spark of God’s steadfast, boundless, and deeply personal love.

Approach to Implementation:  The leader(s) of the parish visitors will need to invite potential visitors to a training session. The leader(s) will need to review the instructions for how to conduct home visits with the visitors. Visitors will need to be paired up so that they are always going on home visits in twos. Visitors should report back to the leader(s) the results of their visits such as registration forms collected, or special requests or needs the family asks to have addressed, while still being mindful of the confidentiality of their conversations with families.

Training:  Review the instructions for conducting home visits provided in the toolkit materials. Do some role playing in your training session, having visitors take turns in the roles of the visitor and the family being visited. Have visitors work in pairs during their home visits.

Expected Resources:  ID badges for all visitors to wear as they make their home visits, a Bible for each visitor, parish and religious education registration forms, pens, note paper, additional materials of your choosing (see the suggested “What to take with you” items in the toolkit).

Additional Assistance: If you need some clarification to help you get started, you may call Sr. Claire Sullivan at the Cathedral at 856.964.1580 ext. 81.

“Here I Am. I Stand at the Door and Knock…” Guide

“Here I Am. I Stand at the Door and Knock…” Guide (Spanish edition)

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