Facets of A Vibrant Parish

 Facets of a Vibrant Parish *

How does a parish know how life giving it has become?  How can it see where and how the community can continue to grow into a more holy and dynamic People of God?  These facets of a vibrant parish provide some guidance both for assessment and planning for further growth.

Parish Vision and Mission The parish has articulated a clear vision and mission based on Catholic teaching. Parish members are enthusiastic about their faith.  They engage in ministry as an expression of their baptism.
Welcoming Community Newcomers, strangers, and returning members feel at home.  They speak of the hospitality, support, and joy they experience within the parish community. 
Liturgy The celebration of Eucharist is the summit of the sacramental life of the parish.  The quality of music and preaching enhances “full, active, and conscious” participation in the liturgy. 
Prayer and Spirituality  The daily lives of parishioners reveal that their relationship to God and neighbor is at the core of their prayer and spirituality. 
Evangelization Parishioners look for ways to help people to know God both in word and through the witness of loving action. 
Caring Community  The parish is built on relationships wherein people care about each other, respect differences, and recognize the dignity of all. 
Compassionate Outreach  Parishioners extend ministry to many: the poor, the sick, the vulnerable, the homebound, the troubled, the bereaved, the lonely, and the alienated. 
Fiscal Health  The parish meets its expenses, plans, and gives generously to help people beyond the parish boundaries. 
Lay Ministry  Opportunities to use God-given gifts for others abound.  Youth and children volunteer service for others.  Adults of all ages are involved in service, formation, and building a more just, moral, and peaceful society. 
Lay Pastoral Leadership  Professionally educated ministers enhance the staff with their knowledge and skills.  Their contribution keeps improving and energizing parish ministries. 
Lifelong Formation  There are organized formative opportunities provided for all. The faith formation program is well grounded in Scripture and Tradition. It spans early childhood, growing children, youth, and adult commitment through senior years. 



























* Adapted from the Profile of a Vibrant Parish, National Pastoral Life Center.

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