Selecting Music for Weddings

Definition: For Parish Music – Liturgy Directors – Choir Directors – Priests
This document offers music suggestions for the Rite of Marriage inside Mass. We know that each parish has its own planning process for Marriage preparation. This toolkit serves only as a starting point for Parish Music Director, liturgy Director or Choir Directors. The Document also includes some bilingual musical suggestions for bicultural / bilingual communities.

Expected Resources:
 Three copies of each Parish Hymnals and three copies of the Music Selection document.
 A keyboard, organ or guitar
 Document: Sing to the Lord Book   Price: $10.00  plus shipping and handling
(Please feel free to contact the Office of Worship to order this book)
 Gift and Promise / Don y Promesa (Bilingual Book)   Price: $8:00 plus shipping and handling
(Please feel free to contact the Office of Worship to order this book)

Additional Suggestions:
 Meet with the couple three to six months prior the Wedding Celebration
 Please be sure to invite your musicians to customize the list according to their knowledge of appropriate repertoire.

Contact Information:
Damaris Thillet
Diocesan Director of Music Ministries
Office of Worship and Christian Initiation
Phone: 856-583-6172

Selecting and Preparing Music for Weddings Inside Mass

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