(13) Seven Rules for Pastoral Planning by Parish Pastoral Councils

Pastoral Planning Toolkit #13
Seven Rules for Pastoral Planning by Parish Pastoral Councils

One of the most important duties of the Parish Pastoral Council is to create, promulgate and monitor the three stages of the pastoral plan, “Plan-Do-Check.”   The work of the pastoral council is not complex; however, these seven rules – if considered carefully during the first stage – “Plan” – there is a greater success factor that may be realized during stages 2 and 3.

Approach to Implementation
The seven rules are named and explained in this toolkit inspired by Dr. Mark F. Fischer in his book, Making Pastoral Councils Pastoral (used with permission).   Dr. Fischer is an expert in the area of Parish Pastoral Councils, having written several previous books, many articles and hosts the website, www.pastoralcouncils.com

It is most helpful if Parish Pastoral Councils provided their own practical examples or even real local scenarios – “what ifs” – that focus on each of the seven rules.

Roles and Responsibilities
These rules act like a rudder of the ship, the pastoral plan.  The pastor with his executive committee are the most likely to take the leadership role in directing the pastoral plan.  The seven rules would be most helpful to them, and in turn, could be used with the Council as a way to check for thorough construction and to maximize the success of the plan during its first stage.

Anyone on the pastoral council could provide a short session for presentation using either the power point (8 slides) or distributing the handout and using it for discussion.

Expected Resources
Both the power point and handout are attached to this toolkit.  For further information, contact the Pastoral Planning Office:  856-583-2843.

7 Rules Handout

Seven Rules for Pastoral Planning by Councils PowerPoint


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