Lenten Prayer

Lenten Prayer

Last year we shared with you a very popular Lenten Prayer Service which came to us through Larry DiPaul, Director of Life and Justice. In addition to the prayer service and the Lenten Examination of Conscience in Light of Catholic Social Teaching, we also offer to you this year an Ash Wednesday Prayer and Lenten Reflection. The USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development is the publisher of this Examination of Conscience as well as the included “Themes of Catholic Social Teaching”. Also attached is the Ash Wednesday Prayer, Lenten Reflection and the Lenten Prayer Service from Catholic Relief Services, which focuses on Operation Rice Bowl. We thought they were beautiful, and wanted to share them with you as Lent begins.

NEW    [rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”233″ direct_download=”true”]Holy Thursday Reflection[/rokdownload]

NEW    [rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”234″ direct_download=”true”]Prayer for Good Friday[/rokdownload]

[rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”228″ direct_download=”true”]Ash Wednesday Prayer[/rokdownload]

[rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”229″ direct_download=”true”]Lenten Reflection[/rokdownload]

[rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”126″ direct_download=”true”]Examination of Conscience and Themes of Catholic Social Teaching[/rokdownload]

USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development

[rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”127″ direct_download=”true”]Lenten Prayer Service from Catholic Relief Services[/rokdownload]

Catholic Relief Services

This calendar comes from the Archdiocese of Washington’s Environmental Outreach Committee. The ‘Lenten Caring for Creation Calendar’ provides many ways to prepare for Easter that help us to remember all of Creation. [rokdownload menuitem=”61″ downloaditem=”230″ direct_download=”true”]Caring for Creation Calendar[/rokdownload]

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